Magnetic Joy: Launching Your Extraordinary
New Year!
A Workshop Series of
3 guided experiences weaving
Ecstatic Breathwork, Soma Session tools, Meditation and more!
Session One -
Clarifying, Anchoring + Committing to Your Intention
Session Two -
Building Momentum
Session Three -
Transforming Challenges Into Gifts + Opportunities for Yourself and Others
Begin NowOne of the ways you will know you're living a more extraordinary life is that you will have a quicker and easier time seeing opportunities and pathways where you used to feel reactive, stopped and stuck. And you'll see a growing number of people who are uplifted just by your aligned energetic presence.
Simple actions fueled by extraordinary energy transform lives.
Magnetic Joy is an incredibly powerful and empowering energy flow that is already available to us from the creative power of life itself. It's all around us. With practice, we learn to look at life from the perspective of Magnetic Joy.
The more access we have to Magnetic Joy, the more effortlessly we are able to digest emotion, adjust behavior, intuit the most skillful approach to our moments and be an impactful force for positive change in our own lives and the lives of others.
Join Scott and an international community of seekers for this transformative workshop series.

The Key Details:
3 Guided Experiences weaving Ecstatic Breathwork, Soma Session tools, Meditation and more, plus lifetime access to the recordings in your course library!
All live sessions take place from approximately 10am to 11:30am Pacific Time.
Session One -
Clarifying, Anchoring + Committing to Your Intention
What do you want? What will be different in your life once the intention has manifested?
Often the first intentions we set aren't actually what we really want. They are strategies the mind believes will get us what we want. So what is the actual desired outcome? What hidden or obvious beliefs are you carrying which block the fulfillment of your desired outcome? How and where are these beliefs stored in and around your body as various tension patterns and forms of "armor"?
Session Two -
Building Momentum
Have you ever started towards a goal and lost energy, lost faith, lost momentum? We all have at one point or another. What makes the difference is recognizing the early signs that energy is dropping and using key tools right away. The more we are in momentum, the easier it is to stay focused and build more momentum.
Session Three -
Transforming Challenges Into Gifts + Opportunities for Yourself and Others
When we set a strong intention, like the intention for living as Magnetic Joy, the first things we are likely to see and experience are all of the ways and places in life and specific relationships in which we're not coming from Magnetic Joy. And these are areas where we are coming from some view or belief based on undigested energy from the past. It's critical that we remember this. And it's even more critical that we use empowering tools right away.
Scott developed Ecstatic Breathwork and Soma Sessions as different approaches to healing and transformation which both use focused attention, intention and specific energized breathing techniques.
In this special workshop series for the New Year, Scott will weave both approaches for maximum impact.
What are the workshops like?
What Can Happen During Ecstatic Breathwork + Soma Sessions?
Ecstatic Breathwork + Soma Sessions take different approaches to reach the same goals:
There is consistently a release of tension, hidden and known.
Stored emotional energy can come to a resolution.
Timely insights and intuition often surge into awareness.
And so much more!
The experience of each session is unique. The work meets us where we are each time.
Are there any precautions or contraindications for breathwork?
If you have any active health concerns to include the heart, respiratory system, pregnancy or others please seek the advice of your health care team prior to registration.
Ecstatic Breathwork does not diagnose or treat medical or psychological conditions.

Let this new year be your most joyful yet!
Join Magnetic Joy: Launching Your Extraordinary New Year
One-Time Purchase
- Immediate access to the Welcome + Opening Teachings video and supporting documents in your course library
- 3 pre-recorded guided sessions
- Get lifetime access to the recordings